zaterdag 16 oktober 2010


The abura-sumashi is a creature said to have appeared at one time on the island of Amakusa in Kumamoto Prefecture, on a mountain pass called Kusazumigoe. According to the story usually told about this spirit, an old woman was once walking her grandchild along this pass, when she recited a story she'd heard, in which the abura-sumashi would appear in that place, dangling an oil bottle. At that moment the abura-sumashi showed up again, proclaiming that he still appeared.


Appearing in their natural form as monks, the Abura-bo can turn into a form of pure magical flame, incredibly dangerous, and utterly destructive. However, this drains their life force, and if they drain it all, they die. In their flame form, they are very similar to the Kaa, except completely mindless and without form. The Abura-bo are extremely cowardly, to the point of pantophobia. Anything that could threaten them makes them very upset, and they require major medication to get through the day. Abura-Boes are incompatible with Spirit Magic. These spectrals are found in the wilderness of Japan.


The Abatwa are small people-like creatures who ride ants and live in the mountain regions of Africa. The are commonly mistaken as elves or spirits.


An Abath resembles a unicorn but is female where as unicorns are all male. They have a single horn which can be ground into a powder to be used as an aphrodisiac or as an antidote for poison.


The Abarimon is a legendary race of people whose feet face backwards. In spite of this handicap they were very fast runners. The lived side by side with the wild animals and any attempts to capture them failed because they were extremely savage.


The Abaia is a huge magical eel which dwells at the bottom of freshwater lakes in the Fiji, Solomon and Vanuatu Islands. It is said to consider all creatures in the lake it's children and protects them against anyone who would harm them. It is said that anyone who tried to fish in the waters in which the Abaia lived would be overcome with a huge tidal wave caused by the thrashing of the great eels tail.


The Abada is a horse like creature similar to the unicorn, however it has tow crooked horns instead of the unicorns single horn. The Abada is about the size of a donkey and has the tail of a boar. Its horns act like an antidote to poison. It also goes by the names of Nillekma and Arase.